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Property Management Blog

Understanding How HOA Fees Work in Vancouver, Washington

System - Thursday, March 7, 2024

Being an HOA homeowner requires some monetary dedication, but for good reason.

If you live in Washington, there's a good chance you are part of an HOA. Over 30% of homes in the state are in homeowner associations, ranking fourth among all U.S. states.

HOA fees in Vancouver, Washington, can make your community more desirable to live in, despite causing an increase in home costs.

HOA fees are regular payments you can make to a homeowners association. They will pay for a variety of maintenance tasks and recurring services. Keep reading to learn how they work.

How Do HOA Fees Work?

Homeowners will pay their HOA dues to cover property maintenance and upgrades monthly, quarterly, or annually. The exact timeframe can vary by community.

HOA fees are membership dues, but HOAs may also require special assessments to pay for expensive repairs. These are one-time fees that could arise due to unexpected budget deficits or natural disasters.

These are a few examples of what regular HOA fees cover:

  • HOA management company fees
  • Cash reserves
  • Utilities (electricity, water, sewage, etc.)
  • Lawn care and landscaping
  • Security services
  • Common areas and repairs (swimming pools, tennis courts, basketball courts, clubhouses, dog parks, gyms, etc.)

Some HOA fees cover trash removal, pest control, and snow removal to directly benefit the homeowner.

Average HOA Fees in Vancouver

In Washington, the average monthly HOA fee is $388. This is slightly below the national average of $390.

In Vancouver specifically, you can expect to pay more or less of the average based on your zip code. HOA fees vary based on these factors:

  • Cost of real estate in the area
  • Cost of living in the area
  • Included amenities and services

Vancouver has a high cost of living, compared to the national average. This could cause fees to go up in the area, especially if the association provides more services and amenities.

HOA fees tend to increase as inflation does. This is due to the rise in the costs of repairs and materials.

Can You Avoid HOA Fees?

Property value is high in HOA communities because of access to resources. To get these resources, residents living within the community must pay their membership fees and special assessments.

You cannot avoid HOA fees as it is part of the agreement you sign to live in the HOA community.

Washington state allows a private HOA organization to pursue legal action against delinquent HOA homeowners. The HOA can get a lien on your home if you don't pay your dues.

How Can HOA Management Help?

An HOA management company can help you stay up to date on your HOA fees and dues. At Invest West Management, we are celebrating 40 years of property management services for homeowners associations and beyond.

HOA fees can be a little concerning without the right management keeping track of them. With our focus on integrity and ethics, you can trust that your fees are going towards services that benefit you and your community.

Request HOA management services from us today to get started!

What Does an HOA Board in Vancouver, Washington Do?

System - Wednesday, February 7, 2024

About 29 percent of the U.S. population lives in a community governed by a homeowners association (HOA). That amounts to 258,000 neighborhoods and condo complexes, and more than 74 million residents.

There are many advantages to an HOA. These include standards that help make the neighborhood a better place to live and keep home values up. There are a lot of responsibilities to serving on an HOA board of directors as well.

Below are the main duties and functions of a typical HOA board. Keep reading to find out what you can expect in your Vancouver, Washington, neighborhood.

Grounds Maintenance

One of the main responsibilities of HOA board members is ensuring the upkeep of common grounds and buildings. Examples include scheduling landscaping for green areas or maintenance for entryway gates.

It often means staying on top of HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and pest control for communal buildings. This responsibility extends to any amenities in the community as well.

Fitness centers, swimming pools, walking trails, and dog parks all require regular upkeep. It is up to the HOA board to see that this is carried out.

Planning Community Improvements

Besides regular maintenance, HOA boards are responsible for making community improvements. These might include adding amenities that residents want or finding solutions to problems in the neighborhood. Common examples are potholes or dilapidated sidewalks, which are typically owned by the association.

All this can entail meeting with and deciding on the right contractors. It might also involve scheduling and overseeing volunteer work days for community members.

Managing the Association's Budget

Almost everything mentioned above requires money, which comes from annual dues paid by residents. The HOA board is responsible for managing these funds, ensuring they go to the best uses for the community. This includes maintenance and improvement projects, as well as HOA insurance policy premiums.

This requires some basic level of accounting and bookkeeping. It also involves presenting an annual budget to community members and getting their feedback on it.

Enforcing Community Standards

A final major responsibility of HOA boards is enforcing community standards. These cover everything from lawn maintenance to permissible paint colors for homes. These differ from one community to the next, as they are decided upon by residents themselves.

This also can involve levying and collecting fines for HOA community members who fail to meet standards or who have not paid dues. In rare cases, this could require seeking liens or other legal mechanisms for residents who do not abide by community rules.

Get Assistance Accomplishing HOA Board Responsibilities

Now that you understand the functions and responsibilities of an HOA board, you can plan accordingly. Keep in mind that an elected board is usually made up of volunteer community members. An experienced HOA management company can provide support and alleviate a lot of time and work for them.

Invest West Management is a local, family-owned real estate business with over 40 years of service to our clients throughout Oregon and Washington. We offer a range of services, including association management and HOA board member resources. Reach out to us today to set up a free consultation.

Community Association Management Guide: 5 Sensible Best Practices

System - Sunday, January 7, 2024

It's all too easy to upset the members of a homeowners association in Washington.

Community association management is the secret ingredient to maintaining peace within residential communities. For Homeowners Association board members, following sensible best practices ensures is vital.

Would you like to strengthen the well-being of the community and sustain property values? Read on to learn all about community association management.

1. Persistent Effort for Lasting Harmony

Achieving harmony in a residential community calls for persistent HOA efforts. Are you wondering how best to build a solid sense of community? This is where regular communication and engagement come in.

Don't forget to remain consistent about enforcing community guidelines. By doing this, the board encourages a positive living environment. Over time, you'll see how this boosts the overall quality of life for residents.

2. How an HOA Management Company Helps

Are you struggling with effective administration of community guidelines? An HOA management company can be a valuable partner.

These professionals bring keen expertise in handling administrative tasks. The same is true for financial responsibilities and conflict solutions.

Are you curious about other reasons why you should work with an HOA management company? This allows the board to focus on strategic planning and community development.

3. Community Guidelines as a Cornerstone

Are you wondering how to get everyone on the same communal page? Clear and well-communicated community guidelines are non-negotiable. They're the true cornerstone of balanced living within a residential community.

These guidelines outline expectations for residents. They'll learn about property maintenance, noise levels, and other essential aspects of community life.

Regular updates and transparent communication about these guidelines are vital. This ensures that residents are informed and aligned with community standards.

4. Giving a Voice to HOA Board Members

No one in your community should feel left out. You should empower HOA board members with the necessary tools and knowledge. Doing this is critical for effective community association management.

You should provide training sessions and resources on leadership. Be sure to touch on conflict resolution and community development.

That way, board members can make educated decisions and handle challenges. A knowledgeable and synchronous board contributes to the success of the community.

5. Preserving Property Values With Astute Management

Property values go hand in hand with the condition and desirability of a residential community. Farsighted management by the HOA board helps preserve and enhance property value.

This includes maintaining public areas, enforcing architectural standards, and addressing concerns. By doing so, the board contributes to the long-term financial well-being of homeowners.

Community Association Management Can Please Everyone

With the right community association management, you can bring a sense of peace and efficiency to all your residents. They'll appreciate your commitment to their investments and beyond.

That's where Invest West Management comes in. When you join forces with our expert team, you'll tap into our 40 years of proven experience. We offer a range of essential management services that will take your Vancouver HOA to the next level.

Do you have questions about what to expect? Schedule a consultation with the Invest West Management team today.

Implementing a Seasonal HOA Idea: How to Spread Festive Cheer

System - Sunday, December 10, 2023

Homeowners associations are all about community. This gives property owners, board members, and managers room to create a true holiday experience.

Even better, Vancouver, Washington is the ideal location for seasonal HOA marketing!

The first step is to designate a point person who can organize the necessary funds, materials, and protocols needed to implement a seasonal HOA idea.

Here's a quick and festive guide to get you started.

Create a Seasonal HOA Idea For Autumn

Start brainstorming seasonal ideas in summer so that you can be ready by fall. Think about homeowners in the community. Come up with an idea that strikes a balance with everyone's holiday preferences.

Going with more general autumn and winter themes is a good idea because they're not so specific to one holiday.

Think about when Halloween and Thanksgiving roll around.

General community decorations include:

  • wreaths made from fall leaves
  • pumpkins
  • mini pumpkin patches
  • bushels of apples
  • harvest-themed decorations
  • lamppost decorations in fall colors

Decorate any lamp posts, rest areas, and outside common areas with fall-inspired decorations. You could wrap orange, red, brown, and yellow ribbons around lamp posts. Add more lanterns to illuminate the area for trick-or-treaters.

Autumn-Inspired Activities

Next, think about community events. Remember to put money aside to create event marketing materials, like signage, emails, and flyers in community centers.

The following ideas will help people get into the holiday spirit:

  • autumn-inspired potlucks
  • pie contests
  • harvest-themed carnivals
  • bobbing for apples
  • caramel apples
  • fall-themed bake sales

You could even hire live entertainment for these events. If there are any musicians living in the community, even better!

Seasonal Decorations For Winter

Short-lived autumn quickly transitions to winter. As before, ensure you have everything ready to go during the summertime.

First, start with a budget. Talk to the HOA board to see how much money is available for seasonal decorating and activities. Next, plan ideas that fit into the budget.

You can save a lot on decorations for winter. For example, you could create wreaths from leftover Christmas tree cuttings. Invest in a large red velvet (or similar) fabric roll for creating large lamppost bows.

Events like potlucks work great since people bring their own food and supplies. However, supplying treats, art supplies, and other goodies is really important for community engagement, as well.

Like autumn, there are plenty of cost-effective ideas for winter. You can also apply similar ideas like mini carnivals with winter-themed bake sales. However, this time around, artists in the community can sell ornaments, decor, and other winter crafts in an art market-style setting.

You could also partner with local businesses to create exclusive member discounts for the HOA community. This may include bakery discounts, theater tickets, Christmas tree coupons, and special offers at craft stores.

When preparing your winter marketing, you can find free winter-themed templates for emails and print marketing. Send out free goodie bags with festive winter mugs for the holidays!

Get In the Spirit

Being part of an HOA is like being part of a big family. Keep fostering that community engagement with a little holiday spirit!

Let this guide inspire a festive and fun seasonal HOA idea. Vancouver, WA, already has so much holiday cheer built into its landscape.

Learn how a property management company can help bring these ideas to life. Invest West Management is a family-owned business with 40 years in the industry.

Call us today to learn more!

HOA Homeowners in Vancouver, WA: What Are the Rules Regarding Support Animals vs. Service Animals

System - Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Contrary to what you might have heard, emotional support animals and service animals are not the same. Additionally, a homeowners association (HOA) has the right to create a 'no pet policy' but may need to accommodate service animals.

But, can your community restrict one over the other, both, or none? This guide will explain what you need to know about fair housing and how they are connected to HOA rules.

Keep reading to learn what your HOA community can and cannot do.

Emotional Support Animals vs. Service Animals

Emotional support animals differ from service animals because of their training. Service animals are trained to perform disability-related tasks for their owners. Service animals are often dogs that can serve many functions.

Emotional support animals don't need specialized training to offer their owners support.

Also known as therapy animals, emotional support animals can alleviate symptoms of disabilities and might be trained for simple tasks, like reminding owners to take their medication.

Service Animals in HOAs: What the Law Says

The Fair Housing Act of 1968 (FHA) protects people from discrimination while pursuing housing-related activities. Because of this federal law, people with disabilities can request accommodations from an association.

Service animals are reasonable accommodations because they perform services that can assist people with disabilities.

For example, service animals might receive training to detect sounds for deaf owners or to guide someone who is blind. There are also service animals that can call for help if someone has seizures and can calm someone with PTSD.

Because the Fair Housing Act of 1968 is a federal law, it trumps HOA rules or regulations involving pets. It's important to tread carefully if your HOA community is dealing with these requests.

HOAs cannot refuse a homeowner's request for a service animal or emotional support animal, nor can they deny a new homeowner because they have a service animal.

Imposing HOA Service Animal Rules

Although service animals are well-trained, an HOA board can still require animals to follow certain rules. Establish rules ahead of time for homeowners who request a service animal to live with them. These rules might include:

  • Leash regulations
  • Waste clean-up
  • Noise restriction

These rules are plausible and follow the laws. There are other rules that are off-limits for service animals in HOA communities, such as:

  • Asking for pet fees
  • Asking for pet security deposits
  • Restricting pets based on breed, size, or weight

Services animals must be allowed on all premises within the community. However, if a pet damages any community property, the HOA can charge the pet owner for repairs and, if necessary, replacements.

HOAs and Service Animals: Following the Law

An HOA community must follow the law regarding service animals and emotional support animals. Although service animals and support animals are different, they are both protected under the FHA, a federal law.

To ensure your community follows service animal laws and other laws pertaining to community living, work with an experienced HOA management company.

Contact Invest West Management to learn what we can do for you.

Does an HOA Increase Property Value?

System - Tuesday, October 10, 2023

About 74.2 million Americans (28% of the US population) live in a homeowners association. There are 358,000 community associations in the US, with homeowners associations accounting for 63% of them! Why are homeowners associations becoming a more popular form of housing?

For starters, they can boost home value and market appeal!

Read on to learn more about the connection between HOA and home value today!

Create Desire

One of the top benefits of having an HOA is that it triggers feelings of envy. Other neighborhoods and homeowners will want to be a part of the exclusivity your HOA offers. In an HOA community, everyone chips in to provide members access to additional amenities.

For example, a community with an HOA might have an on-site tennis court or pool.

Strangers are more likely to turn into friends who feel like family when you live in a homeowners association. You'll have peace of mind knowing your neighbors are people you can trust.

Creating a tight-knit community can become a draw to potential buyers. You'll boost the property value.

Beautiful Neighborhoods

Homes in associations have a collective value of $11 trillion. HOA fees help pay for maintenance services to ensure the neighborhood looks pristine. Keeping a beautiful, clean neighborhood will boost collective home value.

Bylaws and governing documents will ensure every member of the community contributes to the neighborhood's beauty.

The freshly painted buildings and clean lawns will also attract new tenants.

Homeowner Maintenance

With the HOA handling outdoor maintenance, homeowners will have more time to update and beautify the inside of their own homes. Homeowners will have an easier time increasing their property value.

Meanwhile, the HOA will handle landscaping, trash removal, and other tedious tasks.

Consider investing in HOA community association services. With help, you can ensure proper care and upkeep to create a more visually harmonious community.

Emergency Services

Managing the aftermath of a flood or fire that caused damage to your property can be stressful. Some HOAs offer emergency services to help community members.

The HOA's quick assistance can limit damage and prevent the situation from getting worse. Their services will help protect your home's property value.

Enforce Rules

The HOA's rules and regulations are enforced to keep the property value up.

Rules and restrictions (from what color you can paint your home to where vehicles are allowed to park) will affect the community's image. The HOA can even handle disputes between neighbors. These services will ensure the neighborhood looks stunning and spotless year-round.

With help from the HOA, you can avoid issues that might impact health and public safety. Instead, you can ensure the preservation of property values.

HOA and Home Value: The Smart Choice

Understanding the connection between an HOA and home value can help you make smarter choices for your community. Consider boosting your own property value. By starting an HOA, you can reap these benefits yourself!

You don't have to manage your community's HOA alone. Instead, consider working with an experienced HOA management company this year.

Contact Invest West Management to learn how we can help.

How To Select An HOA Management Company That's Right For Your Community

System - Monday, September 4, 2023

A recent survey indicates that there are 2,500,000 elected community association board members across the USA. Together, these people spend 98,500,000 hours on volunteer work associated with these posts.

That's a huge sacrifice time-wise on the part of these dedicated individuals, who receive no compensation for their efforts. If you'd like to take a load off your HOA board members, hiring a homeowners association management team is the best way forward.

Keep reading for tips on how to pick the perfect match for your community.

Figure Out Your HOA Management Needs

A lot goes into running an HOA effectively, and every HOA board has different skills. For this reason, HOA management companies offer a broad range of services.

Ask the following questions to help you find the right fit for your needs:

  • What is your budget?
  • Do you need just the basics or more comprehensive services?
  • How often do you need an HOA manager on site?
  • Do you need HOA property maintenance services?

When you've compiled a list of what you need, you're in a better position to start your search. You can browse the internet looking for suitable HOA management services or ask other HOA boards in your area for recommendations.

Research all your options thoroughly while compiling a shortlist of those that meet your needs.

Qualities of a Good HOA Management Team

It's important to look into several aspects before you hire an association property management team. You should research these online and explore them more fully during an interview with prospective candidates.

Some things to consider include:

Strong Communication Skills

Your HOA manager must keep you updated on all matters concerning your HOA. Board members and property owners need clear, accurate information to ensure things run smoothly.

An HOA manager must be able to:

  • Explain HOA responsibilities
  • Delegate tasks
  • Conduct HOA meetings
  • Keep board members informed about developments

They need tact and persuasive skills to handle fee increases, collect overdue fees, and arbitrate during disagreements.


You must choose a company with a range of experience across every aspect of HOA management. You may not need every service they offer now, but you may in the future.

Ideally, you should search for a team with experience in finance, maintenance, insurance, and maintenance. A company with many years of experience has accumulated a wealth of information and experience that could prove useful to you.


Attention to detail is vital when you're dealing with other people's money. The best management teams are thorough as well as efficient.

They're well-informed about the intricacies of relevant HOA laws and can help you avoid potential legal issues. A high degree of accuracy is vital when it comes to managing an HOA's finances, budgets, and maintenance.

Homeowners Association Management in Washington

When you find the right association property management team for your HOA, you'll enjoy numerous benefits beyond time savings. A well-run community ensures happy residents, enjoys better property values, and incurs lower running costs.

If you'd like to experience an easier way to run your community association, get in touch to discuss your homeowners association management needs today.

3 Tips for Making HOA Meetings More Productive in Vancouver, WA

System - Monday, August 7, 2023

HOA meetings tend to be frustrating for both organizers and board members.

Anytime you're discussing issues that pertain to how a group of individuals live their lives, you're going to run into problems. HOA board meetings are necessary to come to conclusions that satisfy everyone, but butting heads can destroy productivity in these meetings.

If your homeowners association is in need of direction, we can help. Today, we're going to give you 3 simple tips that'll make your HOA meetings more productive and satisfying to all. There's nothing easy about HOA management, but read on and you'll have a roadmap for making important decisions as a group.

1. Keep It Organized

Organization is important in HOA meetings. Start by designating a single point person for the local HOA - hopefully, this is your HOA president or a member that volunteers for the role. Ahead of each meeting, all board members should send this person the topics they'd like to address during the meeting.

The point person can then keep a thorough agenda for every meeting that keeps you on track. This will ensure that the meeting stays organized from start to finish and that covers all issues.

If you need to discuss specific documents during the meeting, everyone should receive these ahead of time. Everyone should also be aware of the meeting agenda ahead of time. Everything can go out in an email in the days prior to the meeting.

2. Let Everyone Speak... Concisely

The purpose of an HOA meeting is to address each homeowner's concerns. It's important that everyone can raise their own concerns, but you never want the meeting to get out of hand. Having a point person who can control a room will come in handy here.

This person should allow everyone to speak but for an allotted time. When discussions get out of hand and start going in circles, you'll inevitably have to cut things out of your agenda. You can even assign times for each topic on the agenda so that the meeting runs on time and addresses all issues.

3. Meeting Notes

Lastly, someone should be taking minutes to send out to the HOA members after the meeting. Ideally, this can be someone other than the person running the meeting, so as not to put too much responsibility on one person.

Not only does this ensure all HOA members are in the know about what was discussed, but it gives you a roadmap for further action. You can also use the meeting documents as a starting point for the next HOA meeting.

How HOA Management Can Improve HOA Meetings

HOA meetings can feel like a full-time job for those who choose to participate. These tips will help you boost productivity in your HOA meetings, but what can really help is HOA management.

Invest West Management can help your community raise and address issues in a productive and pain-free manner. As a full-service HOA management company, we can help you improve communication among members and provide property management services to ensure everyone in your HOA is happy.

Contact us today to inquire about our services and change your Vancouver community association for the better.

What Are the Benefits to Having an HOA?

System - Monday, July 10, 2023

According to science, there are many great mental health benefits associated with being part of a community. Sadly, many neighborhoods out there don't have much of a sense of community anymore.

A great way to ensure you move into a neighborhood that does have a strong community feel is by moving into an area that has a homeowners association. Here are some of the main HOA benefits you need to know about.

High-Quality Amenities

One of the biggest homeowners association benefits is that you're paying for various high-quality amenities. Not only does a homeowners association mean you'll enjoy various benefits, such as pools, parks, and playgrounds, but it also means you'll be contributing towards their maintenance.

This ensures you have access to high-quality amenities all year round. This kind of luxury would simply not be possible without the help of a homeowners association.

Social Events

In some neighborhoods, people go their whole lives without saying more than a few words to their neighbors. This is unfortunate because getting to know people in your area is a great way to create a sense of community.

If you live in an HOA area, you'll find that getting to know your neighborhood is easy. Your HOA fees will contribute towards some great local events throughout the year. These kinds of events mean that people who live in HOA communities often feel a greater sense of belonging.

Resolve Disputes

Conflict is inevitable in any community, but it's how the neighborhood handles it that defines the community spirit. When you have an HOA in your neighborhood, you'll have a variety of rules and regulations that can help to resolve disputes.

Suppose you have a direct conflict with someone else in the community. In that case, representatives from the HOA can operate as mediators and will help to resolve the issue according to the rules.

Community Aesthetics

HOAs also have guidelines for how community members can decorate their homes. This helps to ensure a consistent and cohesive aesthetic. Not only does this ensure the neighborhood looks great, but it can also help to maintain the value of your property and make it easier to sell your home.

Shared Expenses

Finally, paying HOA fees could actually help reduce your expenses in the long term. This is because the HOA can purchase collective services for the whole community. For example, in order to maintain a consistent and attractive aesthetic, you might need the services of a landscaping company.

The HOA can negotiate with the landscaping company on your behalf, and they can get a much better price collectively than you ever could on your own.

Now You Know the Main HOA Benefits

As you can see, if you want to live in an attractive, well-functioning community, it makes sense to live in a neighborhood with a good HOA. While you'll need to pay fees regularly, there are many HOA benefits, and a good HOA can make your community a much better place to live.

If you want to work with a quality real estate company that can help you to find a community to live in that has all these great HOA benefits, contact us today.

What Is an HOA Lien?

System - Monday, June 12, 2023

Think about the last time you thought about buying a home. Maybe you saw a couple of homes, but something was off. The yard didn't look great, or the front of the house needed some extra paint. You probably walked away from the house with a bad taste in your mouth.

Now think about how you'd feel if someone felt that way about your home. Luckily, you don't have to worry about that if you have a homeowners association.

HOAs are common in modern communities as they help maintain the quality of life in neighborhoods. They also help protect property values.

One way in which HOAs enforce their rules and regulations is through the use of liens. In this article, you'll find information on what an HOA lien is, how it works, and the consequences of failing to pay HOA fees in Vancouver, WA.

What is an HOA Lien?

An HOA lien is a legal claim placed on a homeowner's property by the HOA. HOAs use liens to collect unpaid assessments, fines, or fees that the homeowner owes the association.

When a homeowner fails to pay their dues, assessments, or fees, the HOA will request payment. If these requests go unanswered, the HOA may place a lien on the property.

How Does an HOA Lien Work?

The HOA lien on the property gives the HOA the right to collect the debt from the homeowner by selling the property. The lien can prevent the homeowner from selling or refinancing the property until the debt is paid in full.

That means the HOA's debt must be paid before the homeowner can get out from under the lien. If the homeowner continues to ignore the lien, the HOA may take further legal action, such as foreclosure, to collect the debt.

Consequences of Failing to Pay HOA Fees

Failing to pay HOA fees can have serious consequences, including the placement of an HOA lien on the property. This can affect the homeowner's ability to sell or refinance the property.

It could result in additional fees and legal costs. If the homeowner continues to ignore the lien, the HOA may initiate foreclosure proceedings. These can lead to the sale of the property to satisfy the debt owed.

HOA Services

HOA services can vary depending on the association and its governing documents. In Vancouver, WA, they may include maintenance of common areas, landscaping, trash removal, and community events.

HOAs may also provide amenities such as pools, gyms, and playgrounds. In exchange for these services, homeowners are required to pay HOA fees.

How to Avoid an HOA Lien

To avoid the placement of an HOA lien, homeowners should make sure to pay their HOA fees on time. Payment instructions should be outlined in the association's governing documents.

Homeowners should also familiarize themselves with the HOA's rules and regulations and follow them accordingly. If homeowners are struggling to make payments, they should contact their HOA as soon as possible to discuss payment options. Many associations offer payment plans or other options to help homeowners avoid the placement of a lien.

Reviewing the Facts About HOA Liens

To recap, HOA fees are required in exchange for HOA services, and failure to pay these fees can result in the placement of an HOA lien on the property. Now that you're aware of the rules and regulations regarding HOAs, you're ready to explore getting an HOA for your community. When you're ready, get in touch with the HOA management experts at Invest West Management.

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12503 SE Mill Plain Blvd. Suite 260
Vancouver, WA 98684

Phone: Vancouver: (360) 254-5700
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