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Property Management Blog

Important Things HOA Management Companies Can Do for Your Community

System - Monday, May 15, 2023

Do you live in an HOA community?

If so, then you’re aware of how time-consuming it can be to keep your community safe and attractive. That's because an HOA manages a community's shared property. It also enforces rules and regulations.

HOA management companies play a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation of an HOA. Here we look at a list of important things that management companies can do for your community. Keep reading to learn more.

Administrative Tasks

A property manager can handle administrative tasks. This includes maintaining records, drafting agendas and meeting minutes, and managing community mailings.

This can relieve board members of these duties. It also helps to ensure they have more time to focus on critical community matters.

Financial Management

A property manager can help maintain the community's financial records and accounts. They collect monthly HOA dues and manage the community's budget, expenses, and taxes.

They can also provide financial reports that ensure transparency and accountability.

Maintenance and Repairs

An experienced property manager can oversee the maintenance and repairs of shared community property. This includes parks, pools, and landscaping.

They ensure these areas remain in good condition and schedule any necessary repairs. This can improve the safety and aesthetic appeal of the community.

Rule Enforcement

A reputable property manager can enforce community rules and regulations. It's also important to ensure that residents follow them. They can handle violations, resolve disputes between residents, and take any necessary action. This can maintain community harmony and safety.


They can also act as a liaison between the HOA board and residents. This allows them to provide regular updates on news, events, and meetings.

They can also manage communication with vendors and service providers. This can ensure everyone stays informed and on the same page.

Strategic Planning

An HOA property manager can assist in the development of long-term plans. This includes goals and objectives for the community. They can work with the board to create a strategic plan for the community's success in the future.

Vendor Management

HOA management services can manage contracts with vendors, contractors, and service providers. They can ensure vendors are meeting their contractual obligations.

Insurance Management

Management companies can manage the community's insurance policies. This helps to make sure the community has adequate coverage. It also helps protect the community against risks and liabilities.

Technology Support

A knowledgeable property manager can provide technical support to the community. This includes website maintenance, online payment processing, and social media management.

Legal Compliance

A property manager can help keep the community in compliance. This includes compliance with all state and federal laws, regulations, and ordinances. They can also provide legal support and representation when necessary.

Benefits of HOA Management Companies

Keeping a community safe and beautiful is a big job. That's why it's so important to let HOA management companies handle most of the work for you.

Please contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our HOA management specialists at Invest West Management in Vancouver, WA.

Why HOAs Need New Homeowners in the Community

System - Monday, April 3, 2023

Would you like to improve the quality of your home owner's association?

HOAs are responsible for managing and maintaining communities of homes or condominiums. These organizations are typically governed by a board of directors. The board is made up of homeowners within the community.

One of the challenges that HOAs face is maintaining an active and engaged membership. New homeowners can play a critical role in helping HOAs achieve their goals and maintain a healthy and vibrant community.

Here are some of the reasons why an HOA benefits from new people who join the community. Keep reading to learn more.

Fresh Ideas

A new homeowner brings fresh ideas and perspectives to the community. They may have different experiences or backgrounds that can help shape the direction of the HOA. That's why it's beneficial to include them in the decision-making process.

Increased Participation

HOAs rely on the participation of their members to achieve their goals and improve the rules. A new homeowner is often excited to get involved and contribute to the community. When they take part in an HOA, it increases the level of engagement and energy.

Financial Stability

HOAs rely on member dues to fund community projects and maintenance. New homeowners can help ensure the financial stability of the HOA by joining and paying their dues.

This helps create a healthy and stable financial base. HOAs can then undertake projects that benefit the community and improve property values.

Community Growth

HOAs are responsible for maintaining and improving the community. New homeowners can help by contributing their time and resources. When they work together, they can create a strong and vibrant community that everyone can be proud of.

Renewed Enthusiasm

HOAs can sometimes become stagnant or complacent over time. The involvement of new homeowners can help to inject renewed enthusiasm into the community.

This is because they are often excited to make a positive impact and can help motivate other members to get involved as well.

Improved Communication

Communication is essential in any community. New homeowners can help improve communication within the HOA. This happens when they share fresh ideas. After all, they may have unique perspectives on how to address issues that arise.

Diverse Skill Sets

New members of the community may have unique skills or talents that can be beneficial to the community. For example, a new homeowner may be an expert in landscaping, accounting, or event planning.

By identifying and utilizing these skills, HOAs can improve the services they offer. They can also enhance the overall quality of life for members.

Increased Diversity

HOAs benefit from having a diverse membership. This is because new homeowners help increase diversity within the community. After all, they bring different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives to the table.

This helps foster a more inclusive and welcoming experience for all members.

The Benefits New Homeowners Bring to HOAs

Being part of a home owner's association can be a rewarding experience. The key is to encourage new homeowners to become active members of the community

Please contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of the property management specialists at Invest West Management.

Duties of a Community Association Manager

System - Thursday, March 2, 2023

Did you know that there are around 350,000 community associations in the US right now?

Community associations come in many different forms, but all have one thing in common - the need for effective management.

Whether it's overseeing the maintenance of common areas, enforcing community rules, or managing finances, an HOA management company can help.

In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the duties of a community association management company and why they're essential to the success of any HOA or shared living space. Read on to learn more.

Maintenance and Repairs

One of the key duties of community association management companies is overseeing maintenance.

The property management company will see that all common areas are properly maintained. They will also make sure that any repairs are carried out efficiently.

This helps to ensure the community is a safe and attractive place to live and helps to protect the value of homes.

Financial Management

Financial management is another key duty.

Management companies are responsible for collecting dues, managing budgets, and making sure that records are accurate. They're also in charge of investing funds in a way that maximizes returns while minimizing risk.

By handling the financial responsibilities of the HOA or community, the management company helps to ensure the long-term stability of the community.


HOAs typically have a set of rules and regulations that must be followed by all residents.

The management company is responsible for enforcing these rules. This means everything from ensuring that homes are properly maintained to making sure that residents are following parking rules.

This helps to maintain a high quality of life for all residents. It also protects the value of homes in the community.

Did you know that 66.9% of new homes completed in 2021 were part of HOA communities? When everybody follows the rules, the community becomes a nicer place to live.


Finally, the management company will communicate with residents. This could be via letters, a weekly bulletin, or email.

They work to keep residents informed about important events and respond to questions and concerns. They will also provide regular updates and news.

In this way, the management company can foster a sense of community and build trust among residents.

Our team is on hand to help with all aspects of community association management. We believe that great communication is central to a strong community spirit.

How a Community Association Management Company Can Help You

The duties of a community association management company are wide-ranging and critical to the success of any community.

Here at Invest West Management, we pride ourselves on helping communities and HOAs excel. Your community should work for you, and our services can put it on the right track.

If you're part of an HOA, our friendly team is committed to meeting the needs of your community. We have over 40 years of experience in property management and are happy to help. Contact us today.

The Benefits of a Home Owners Association

System - Thursday, February 2, 2023

Are you considering purchasing a home within a homeowners association? Maybe you're part of an HOA board and the various responsibilities seem daunting.

Not to worry. Whatever your circumstances, knowledge is power and relief from undue worry. Here are several of the most compelling reasons why homeowners associations are a major positive.

1. Protect Your Property Value

One of the most irksome things homeowners face is the devaluation of their home because of a "junkyard" neighbor. This is especially frustrating when you've invested money and time in preserving or improving the value of your own home.

Fortunately, when you're a member of a homeowners association, your property value is protected. All those living within the HOA must agree upon deed restrictions. They are then held accountable for abiding by them.

An HOA means, you will have a well-maintained home and your neighbors will too.

2. Prevent Nuisance Behavior

Do you dislike rowdy parties at 2 am? Your neighbors might not ... luckily when you own property within a homeowners association, everyone is held to the same standards regarding:

  • Noise policies
  • Parking
  • Short-term rental guides
  • Pet ownership

No more worrying about the neighbor renting out their basement to college students (if it's prohibited in your HOA). No more stressing about neighbors letting their 5 dogs run loose without a leash. No frustration about not being able to park in front of your own home because someone down the street is hosting a reception and 30 cars are parked.

As long as your HOA has regulations regarding such items, you are protected from irritating issues like these.

3. Great Community Amenities

Are you looking for a home with a neighborhood pool, gym, or playground? One of the biggest perks of an HOA property management company is that you can have these local amenities and they can be well maintained.

Beautiful common areas promote a sense of unity and pride within a neighborhood. They help you get to know your neighbors. They provide a place for residents to gather and socialize.

Ideally, when you have a management guide or HOA, residents feel more responsible for making sure common areas are well-kept.

Your neighborhood may be more likely to have bike trails, barbeques, basketball courts, or other desirable amenities because an HOA ensures there is a budget to provide for the construction and maintenance of such things.

A homeowners association can also be responsible for budgeting and planning holiday or civic events that also bring your community together. When deciding whether an HOA is right for you, think about the lifestyle you want and determine whether that's possible without one.

Managing Your Homeowners Association

The right homeowners association can provide endless benefits to any property owner. The trick is knowing how to manage regulations and communicate effectively. If you still have questions about what an HOA might entail, how to set one up, or why buying property within an HOA is a good idea, our team of experts is happy to answer your questions.

Contact us today and find out what Invest West Management, LLC can do to help your HOA.

Common HOA Rules Every Homeowner Should Know

System - Thursday, January 5, 2023

Have you recently moved into a new home?

If so, there's no denying that buying a new house is an exciting experience. But it also comes with a lot of responsibility. For example, many neighbors are managed by an HOA.

The purpose of an HOA is to ensure that the neighborhood stays as safe and beautiful as possible. This is obviously important for cultivating a high quality of life. That's why it's essential to ensure you understand HOA rules to avoid getting fined.

Fortunately, this article can help. Here we take a look at a list of common HOA regulations every homeowner needs to know. Keep reading to learn more.


Let's start by discussing HOA restrictions regarding decorations on your residential property. Keep in mind that this includes both seasonal decorations and everyday decorations that you might use throughout the year.

This is something that can ruffle some feathers, especially if you love to go all out during popular holidays like Halloween or Christmas. Every HOA will likely be a bit different, so make sure you check the specific HOA regulations for your neighborhood to ensure you stay within the rules


It's important to keep your property landscaped. This includes mowing the grass and trimming around the house and trees. This is a universal aspect of HOA regulations for neighborhoods throughout the country.

The best strategy is to get into the habit of mowing your lawn once a week during warm weather to prevent dirty looks from your neighbors.


Do you own multiple vehicles? This can potentially lead to parking violations with your HOA. After all, the regulations in your neighborhood might frown on homeowners parking more than one or two vehicles in the driveway and could prohibit parking on the street in front of the house.


This is a big one. After all, there's nothing more annoying than noisy neighbors. When it comes to the most common HOA bylaws in every neighborhood, noise regulations rank among the most important.

The key is to focus on being respectful to your neighbors. This means notifying them ahead of time in the days leading up to hosting parties or having company, and minimizing the volume of music, machinery, and conversation at all times.


Do you love your pets? You're not alone. Before adopting pets or buying a home in an HOA community, check the rules regarding pet ownership.

You might be surprised to learn that pets aren't allowed in your neighborhood, or you might have to pay a fee for each pet living on your property. It's also important to keep dog barking to a minimum to reduce the potential for annoying your neighbors.

A Guide to Common HOA Rules

It's no secret that homeownership is a big part of the American Dream. Fortunately, this guide to common HOA rules for homeowners will help make you a good neighbor and save you a little money.

Please contact us to learn more about our professional property management services.

What Is HOA Management?

System - Thursday, December 1, 2022

Did you know that more than 350,000 communities relied on management from a homeowners association in 2022? With a number like that, it's clear that homeowner's associations (HOAs) are a major player in the real estate industry. HOA management services are used in adjoining dwellings but are found managing neighborhoods with single-family residences. 

If you are considering using an HOA management company and want to learn more about the services these companies offer, keep reading.  

What Are HOA Management Services?

HOA management companies provide management, financial, and administrative services. These companies appoint an on-site manager to support the HOA board and the homeowners.

When it comes to establishing an HOA policy, that is the domain of the HOA board. However, the management company can assist with enforcement. 

On the financial side, HOA management companies handle accounts receivable and establish budgets. This can include processing payments and handling delinquent accounts. Administrative duties may include scheduling board meetings and responding to homeowner inquiries. 

Site management is another important duty that companies offering HOA management services provide. This includes ensuring that rules on home appearance and upkeep are being maintained. They can also handle work on shared areas, including sidewalks, gyms, and pools. 

What Are HOA Fees?

HOA fees are charged to homeowners as a means of paying for the services the homeowners association provides. These fees are typically assessed monthly, although some places assess quarterly fees.

The fees vary based on what services are provided to residents, such as pools and gyms. The fees typically range from a few hundred to $1000. 

What is an HOA Board?

The HOA board is responsible for creating the by-laws the properties shall operate by. These rules may cover everything from landscaping to holiday decorating. Members of the board are elected and the positions resemble those in the corporate structure, including president and vice president. 

These boards have broad powers to enforce their regulations. If fees aren't paid, a board can enact a lien on a property

What Should You Look For In an HOA Management Company?

While you already know the services to look for, you should review the individuals operating the company. Ideally, there should be at least one licensed realtor on the team. There are other professional certifications related to property management you may look for, including:

Are You Ready to Get HOA Management Services?

Now that you know about HOA management services, what are you waiting for? These companies provide management, financial, and administrative services that make the day-to-day operation of a homeowners association more manageable. You should review the personnel with any prospective company to look for applicable qualifications. 

If you are in the Vancouver, Washington area and are ready to learn more about the services offered, contact us to get started. 

4 Tips on How to Set HOA Holiday Decorating Rules

System - Thursday, November 3, 2022

One of the first things homeowners ask about when moving into a neighborhood is whether there is a homeowners association. One thing about the HOA is the fees differ based on the season and other things that happen throughout the year.

When it comes to the holiday season, you might be wondering how to set the HOA holiday decorating rules for the people in the neighborhood.

We have some tips below to help you ensure that you not only provide decorating ideas but also some information on enforcing HOA holiday decorating rules as the holiday season gets underway.

1. Give People Deadlines

Deadlines are one of the most essential parts of setting the HOA holiday decorating rules. You must ensure that you set a precise date to give homeowners information about when they can start decorating their decorations.

You should also include information about when the decorations should be taken down. For example, one rule may be that 2 weeks after a holiday has concluded, homeowners must remove the decorations from their homes.

While HOA holiday decoration ideas might not seem like a big deal to some people, preserving the integrity of the neighborhood is essential. You don't want people leaving their Christmas decorations up until the summer.

2. Ban Certain Types of Lighting

Lights are one of the main components of holiday decor. However, if homeowners aren't careful and go overboard, they could end up hanging lighting that becomes distracting. Especially to people that are driving past the home.

When people become distracted by lights or other forms of decor, it can become a hazard leading to an accident within the neighborhood. It's best to set rules that ban homeowners from hanging lights that could momentarily bling people that are driving or flash.

Also, when the lights are hung, note that homeowners should hang them so they don't shine towards the road. Again, this could be hazardous to people driving by.

3. The Decor Must Have Anchors

When you enforce HOA holiday decorating rules you've got to think of everything, including how decor is anchored.

Much like the flashing of lights, no one wants to see an inflatable decoration item flying across their yard. If people are going to use inflatables as a part of their decor, ensure that they understand they must be anchored in the yard.

When items aren't anchored properly, it becomes a distraction. But it can also be hazardous and lead to accidents if it flies in front of someone driving down the street. 

4. Ban Noise Playing Distractions

We all enjoy seeing holiday decorations on our way home. But when it's time to go to sleep for the night, we don't want to listen to scary holiday noises or Christmas music late into the evening.

To ensure that people aren't disturbed while sleeping, ban noise-making machines.

Or if you're going to grant them use, ensure people understand there's a specific time when they must be turned off in your community home decorating guidelines.

How to Set HOA Holiday Decorating Rules

When it comes to setting HOA holiday decorating rules, there are several ways to allow homeowners to celebrate without going overboard. Ensure people understand to anchor their inflatables and ban noise-making decor.

If you want to improve your HOA, contact Invest West Management and let us put our 40 years of experience to work for you and your association.

A First Time Home Owner's Guide to HOA Fees

System - Monday, October 3, 2022

The average HOA fee for a home in Portland, just outside Vancouver, Washington, was $384 a month in 2020. HOA fees are associated with luxury living in the suburbs, but they are becoming increasingly popular among any community in a desirable area.

Even if you decide to live closer to the city or downsize once your kids have grown up and left home, you may still face HOA fees. So, we created this guide to help you acclimate to the costs associated with joining an HOA community.

What is an HOA?

HOA stands for homeowner's association. These nonprofit organizations manage the common area of a residential neighborhood.

A home owner pays a monthly fee to live in an HOA community. HOA costs cover the costs of maintaining common areas like parks, pools, roads, sidewalks, landscaping, trash removal, and security patrols.

How to Find Out if Your Home Has an HOA

One of the first questions you should ask when buying a house is whether or not the neighborhood has an HOA. Sometimes, you'll find that information in the real estate listing. But, you can also speak to the seller's real estate agent or the seller to find out.

If you're still having trouble determining whether the home has an HOA, the most reliable way to know is to check the county property records. But, being unable to find HOA information anywhere else is rare.

What are HOA Fees?

Homeowner's associations exist to maintain a certain standard of living within the neighborhood they control. The number of amenities an HOA provides can change the amount of HOA dues you owe each month. Neighborhoods with a higher standard of living and more amenities cost more to maintain.

HOAs calculate your monthly fees based on the square footage of your home. People with larger homes pay more for community upkeep than those with smaller homes.

How Do I know What my HOA Costs Are?

This is a question you can ask either your real estate agent or the seller's real estate agent. They should be able to provide you with accurate HOA fee information. If they cannot, you can request the contact information of your HOA board members or HOA management company.

What if The Fees are Too High?

Then you don't have to buy it! You can move on and find another house with lower to no HOA fees.

But if you're really set on the home, there are some actions that you can take on your own to lower those future costs. Becoming a member of your local HOA and finding ways to cut costs is one of them.

Can I Opt Out of my HOA?

Some people may be surprised that they cannot opt out of their HOA when they purchase a home. But HOAs govern the neighborhood and all houses in it, sometimes even holding a lien against homes with outstanding balances.

HOAs also require a certain percentage of owners to be actively involved for an HOA agreement to exist. So, even though a few people don't like the HOA, most homeowners in the neighborhood do and the majority wins.

You can, however, try to convince your neighbors to dissolve your HOA. But it's a hard sell since so many people desire that standard of living.

HOA Management in Vancouver, Washington

When buying a home in Vancouver, WA, you should understand how much the monthly HOA fees will be before making an offer. If you're having trouble getting that exact figure, your HOA may be in serious need of some management. That's where Invest West Management can help.

For over 40 years, we've provided the Vancouver Washington area with top-of-the-line HOA and community management services. Put your community in the hands of experts today. Contact us today and learn more about how Invest West Management can help your neighborhood.

What Is an HOA Lien?

System - Monday, September 5, 2022

As of 2022, you can expect to pay an average of over $350,000 for a home in the United States. As time goes on, the price of real estate will continue to increase. First-time homebuyers will likely find it more difficult than ever before to find a house suitable for them.

If you happen to live at a property that's part of a homeowners association, there are certain terms you may be unfamiliar with during HOA meetings. One of the most common is an HOA lien.

The good news is that it is easier to understand than you might think. Let's get started with everything you need to know.

So, What Is an HOA Lien?

Simply put, an HOA lien is a claim against a property in order to collect unpaid HOA dues. When an owner falls behind on their dues, the HOA has the right to place a lien on their property.

This means that the owner will not be able to sell or refinance their home until the outstanding balance is paid in full.

What Happens if I Don't Pay the Lien?

If the owner fails to pay the lien, the HOA may eventually foreclose on the property. This is a serious matter and one that you will want to avoid if at all possible. If you are having trouble paying your dues, be sure to reach out to your HOA.

It is much better to be transparent about your situation than to struggle with it on your own.

How Can I Avoid an HOA Lien?

Of course, the best way to avoid an HOA lien is to simply pay your dues on time.

Unfortunately, unforeseen financial struggles can make this difficult for some homeowners. If you find yourself in this situation, the best thing to do is reach out to your HOA as soon as possible to explain the situation and work out a payment plan. With open communication, you can avoid an HOA lien and keep your home safe.

Can an Hoa Lien Lead to Foreclosure?

If you fail to pay an HOA lien, the HOA may eventually foreclose on your property. HOA foreclosure can lead to the loss of your home as well as numerous other issues, such as damage to your credit score.

Be sure that you keep this information in mind so that you can avoid the complications associated with HOA foreclosure.

How Do I Get Rid of an HOA Lien?

If you have an HOA lien on your property, the best thing to do is to pay it off as soon as possible. Once you have paid the outstanding balance in full, the lien will be removed from your property.

As previously mentioned, those who have trouble dealing with this obligation should get in touch with their homeowners association to discuss their potential options.

Don’t Neglect This Term at Your HOA Meetings

Although you may not understand this term, the first time you hear it at HOA meetings, it's more straightforward than you might expect. Ensure that you keep the above guidelines in mind to avoid problems you may have encountered.

Looking for ways we can help you out in the future? Feel free to reach out to us today to learn more.

What Is an HOA Foreclosure?

System - Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Every year, around 0.11% of all US housing units face foreclosure. Yet many people believe only lenders can start these proceedings. But did you know an HOA can do it as well?

As an HOA, a time may come when you need to start foreclosure procedings. Read on as we give the essential guide on HOA foreclosure.  

What Is an HOA Foreclosure?

Most people are familiar with foreclosure in relation to a mortgage. If the person who took out the loan for the property does not pay, then the lender can foreclose on the property and seize it. 

Many people are surprised that an HOA can foreclose on a property. It will happen when a homeowner does not pay assessments or has unpaid dues. 

How Does an HOA Foreclosure Work?

For an HOA to foreclose a property, they need to apply for a Claim of Lien. This prevents an owner from selling the property or refinancing unless they have paid the debt. It will stay attached to the property for three years if it is not paid and when it expires the HOA will have to apply for another. 

The process will start with a hearing. In this, confirmation that the homeowner is behind on their payments by at least 90 days shall be given. A vote then gets taken to act on foreclosure and notice will be served to the homeowner to allow them to pay their debts. 

Failure to reach an agreement means the second phase begins. This starts with the posting of a notice of sale and the HOA begins a lawsuit against the homeowner. 

Can Other People Bid on the HOA Foreclosure Sale?

When a foreclosure takes place, other people can bid on the property. These third parties must submit a bid that is higher than the one the HOA has. The bidder then pays 5% to the trustee of the property at that given time. 

Can It Be Contested?

When contesting of foreclosure takes place, the attorney for the HOA can no longer be its trustee and attorney at the same time, so someone else must become a trustee. This person is normally a lawyer as well, increasing the cost.

A foreclosure does tend to fall in the favour of HOAs. This is because there is a long process in place before it gets to this point, giving the owner plenty of time to rectify the situation in the run-up. A defendant can also not use facts such as the amount owed or if the HOA did their duty as a defence.   

Starting Proceedings

Now you know about HOA foreclosure, you can see that it should take a long time to reach if due diligence had been served. Systems are in place to allow resolution of the conflict before this happens. 

For all homeowner services, Invest West Management should be your first stop. We have management services and a range of resources for all HOAs. Click here to request a management proposal from our expert staff. 

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